Learning and Achievement

Learning and Achievement2024-06-03T22:23:55+10:00

By connecting to the real world of students’ lives, authentic learning enables students to become lifelong learners who contribute to society and the wider world as active and discerning citizens. Authentic learning is central to our work as Catholic educators because it promotes the continual growth and wellbeing of the whole person — spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically.

Trinity Catholic College is a school marked by:

  • A recognition of the personal worth and dignity of every member of the college community.
  • A blending of the traditional with the innovative, the tried and the new.
  • A sense of belonging, cohesion and community within the school and connection to the wider community.
  • A belief in teaching as a vocation of service.
  • Encouragement of staff and students to acknowledge and develop their personal gifts and talents for the good of the whole college.
  • Equity, fairness and justice in all policies, structures and interpersonal relationships.
  • Opportunities for reflection upon and attention to the spiritual life of the individual and the community.
  • A pursuit of excellence in all areas of school life, academic, cultural and sporting.
  • A safe and disciplined environment where students feel the challenge to learn.
  • Successful and satisfying learning experiences for all students, which build the foundation of future fulfilment.
  • The development of self-discipline in students arising from affirmation and a secure, structured learning environment.
  • Flexibility and choice in student programs and a willingness to stay at the “cutting edge”.
  • Honest and rigorous evaluation of our performance and wholehearted celebration of our successes.
  • Our teachers know their students and work with them to help them realise their potential as learners. Our focus on authentic learning and authentic assessment ensures that we challenge our students to grow in their learning and achieve their personal best.

    Throughout our community of Sydney Catholic schools, we have shown high performance of our students in measures such as NAPLAN and the HSC.

    The Trinity College vision that students are safe, happy, well taught and learn to know and love Jesus underpins our rich and varied curriculum. Beginning in Year 7, all students experience learning in a calm, well-ordered, safe and happy community.

    An emphasis on the achievement of excellence through affirmation and personal challenge, and the building of strong relationships with our dedicated, passionate teachers, have led to Trinity’s outstanding success.

    In the 2023 HSC,

    • 43 % of students achieved a Band 5 or Band 6
    • 82 % of students achieved a Band 4, 5, or 6
    • 55 Distinguished Achievers (Band 6 Results)
    • 17 students achieved an ATAR over 90
    • 75% of HSC courses were above the state average
    • 2 students listed as Top Achievers – placed in the top ten students across NSW
    • 5 students placed first in their course across Sydney Catholic Schools

    Our results speak for themselves!

    For more information please do not hesitate to contact the college.

    Trinity Catholic College has achieved impressive HSC results. Use the links provided below to download a PDF booklet illustrating student performances for the respective years within the Higher School Certificate.

    2022 Results – See Results