College Houses
In 2024, the College House system was expanded to six houses, as an acknowledgement of how our Trinity Catholic College community has flourished since its inception. This presented an exciting opportunity to reimagine how to celebrate our rich heritage from the founding religious orders who established St Peter Chanel Girls High School (Regents Park), St John’s Regional Girls High School (Auburn), and Benedict College (Auburn), where Trinity stands today. These new houses also look towards the values which we hold as a school in the Marist tradition, important for our College life today.
The Trinity Icon

This depiction of the Holy Trinity by the artist Michael Galovic was commissioned to mark the College’s 25th anniversary in 2020, and is on display in Student Services at the Auburn Campus. Each of the houses derives its colour from the icon.
Each house symbol has a unifying representing both Mary, our good mother, and St Paul’s appeal to do all things with love. The core values are represented in each crest and takes as its inspiration a Gospel source.