Marina Eldahr is one of the first to land a graduate teaching role at Sydney Catholic Schools through the organisation’s newest pathway to teaching.

She shares how two years of paid work at Sydney Catholic Early Childhood Services (SCECS) gave her the experience she needed to transition quickly and seamlessly to her dream career as a primary school teacher*.

How did you begin working for SCECS?

I was in my first year of study and wanted to grow my knowledge of working with children and understanding their needs.

After seeing uni students in their SCECS uniform on campus, I began to enquire and was eager to kick-start working in this field.

SCECS currently operates Outside School Hours Care and Early Childhood services at several Catholic schools and Parishes within the Sydney Archdiocese.

I began by filling in at different centres, which was great to explore different school communities. This led me to complete my educator training and become a responsible person at the Lakemba Out of School Hours Care centre.

“Coming into work and knowing I am a part of a child’s learning journey, and making a difference is rewarding and so meaningful to me” – Marina Eldahr

What was the highlight of your time at SCECS?

My time at SCECS was an exciting and meaningful e